About The GMFSAN

What is the GMFSAN?

The Greater Manchester Food Security Action Network (GMFSAN) is a network for everyone working to end food insecurity in Greater Manchester. The Network brings together all the different sectors and specialisms involved in this ambition, so we can work together on this shared mission.

We do this through our larger scale network events every 3 months aimed at co-designing Greater Manchester’s food security response and showcasing good practice and connecting people to maximise innovation. We have three focussed task force groups that work on the priorities raised by the wider network; Increasing the uptake of Healthy Start Vouchers, Ending Holiday Hunger and Doing More For Those Who Miss Out On Support. The work of these three task force groups is organised by the GMFSAN Core Coordination Group, a small group comprising the Co-Chairs of the three task force groups, GMCA Officers and our GMFSAN Chair.

The Network is cross sector, including representatives from all ten Greater Manchester boroughs. Most importantly, it operates on the basis of ‘community development’ and co-production*, bringing people together to work side by side rather than alone or in hierarchies.

The scale of the Food Insecurity issue in Greater Manchester

  • 2.8 million people in Greater Manchester
  • 620,000 residents in Greater Manchester are living in Poverty
  • 320,000 Households impacted by the £20 UC Uplift cut including 176,00 families with children
  • 120,000 Children are eligible for Free School Meals
  • 40% or £4 million Healthy Start Vouchers go unclaimed by eligible families in GM
  • 134 Food Banks operate across GM and 68 Food Pantries/Clubs
  • 12,500 Emergency Food Cards have been distributed to young people in need since October 2020

What have we achieved so far?

The Food Security Action Network (FSAN) is a group of stakeholders across Greater Manchester working collaboratively with the aim of ending food poverty in the city-region. The launch of the FSAN occurred in October 2021 with around 70 individuals joining from the GMCA, Local Authorities, GM Businesses, the faith sector, the VCSE sector, Health and Education. Following the launch 3 task force groups have been formed to focus on action in the areas of Holiday Hunger, Increasing the uptake of Healthy Start Vouchers and Doing more for those who miss out.

Who is involved in the FSAN?

The FSAN is anyone who wants to end food insecurity. So far, this has included people from Greater Manchester’s voluntary and community sector, people who have been or are experiencing food insecurity, education, universities, health, faith communities, local and regional government, cultural spaces, researchers, activists and politicians. And more. To see the full list of members head to our Give page here. We are constantly working to develop the network and its members so this is not a finite list, if you would like to be involved in the network, either by attending events or in the specific Task Force Groups, contact us on: [](mailto:info@gmfsan.net)info@gmfsan.net

Our Network
